The 24-Hour Flat Stomach Meal Plan

Though it is not possible to get a six pack super slim body overnight, it is possible to overcome a bloated belly and look considerably better within hours. Fasting is not an option and it can make you more bloated with belly filled with gases, at the same time making you dull and exhausted. It is all about what you eat while taking care to get sufficient nutrition.

Here is a 24-hour flat stomach meal plan for you:

Breakfast: 1 packet of instant oatmeal with 1 cup of berries and 2 tsp. peanut butter  OR  2 hard-boiled eggs and 1 cup of berries.

flatbelly_breakfastOats is a high fiber diet. Peanut butter is loaded with healthy fats. Berries keep the body hydrated while providing sufficient fiber. This combination is ideal to keep you feel full for longer time.

On the other hand, eggs keep you feeling full much longer than cereal or toast and definitely, egg breakfast helps you to lose weight.

Morning Snack: 1/3 cup raw, unsalted nuts and 1 orange. OR celery sticks with 2 tsp. peanut butter.


These foods are loaded with good quantity of fibers, protein, healthy fat and water. These foods keep you full and not bloated.


  • 2 cups salad greens,
  •  1/2 diced cucumber,
  •  10 cherry tomatoes,
  •  1/4 cup shredded carrots,
  •  1/2 an avocado or 1/2 mango or 1/2 guava,
  •  1 hard-boiled egg,
  •  1 tbsp. sunflower seeds, and
  •  a squeeze of lemon and vinegar



This lunch is a great combo of lean protein, healthy fats, and filling veggies. Its a clean and simple salad that keeps you full and not bloated.

Afternoon Snack:

1 cup yogurt with a dash of cinnamon powder OR  1 cup of sliced cucumber topped with salt, pepper and 1 tsp. fresh cilantro.



Cinnamon is a natural stress reliever after a busy day. It is also a great substitute for sweetener. Yogurt is a good protein food and can keep you full till dinner.

If you do not like diary products, crunchy cucumbers loaded with water can make you feel full for hours.


  • 5 oz. grilled salmon
  • spinach sauteed in 1 tsp. olive oil and garlic,
  • roasted fennel and
  • root vegetables

flatbelly_dinnerSalmon has omega-3 fatty acids, that help you burn fat. This fats are also good at keeping you satisfied. Fennel is a cleansing veggie that can help your system to flush out the waste.





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