Double Egg Mask for Brighter Skin


Double egg mask for face is very easy to make with ingredients from your kitchen.

What’s needed:
1) 1 egg
2) 1/2 table spoon lemon juice
3) 4-5 drops of almond oil
4) About 3 ml of Honey

How to Prepare:

First slightly beat the egg at one corner to make a small hole and take egg white in one bowl and egg yolk separately in another bowl.



Mask#1: First proceed with the egg yolk.
Mix the egg yolk with honey and one or two drops of almond oil
Mix well and apply this to clean and dry face.
Wait until it becomes very very dry.
Then clean your face with plain water and wipe dry.
This mask works as a good exfoliate and rejuvenates your facial skin.

Mask#2: Now add few drops of lemon juice to the egg white and mix thoroughly.
Apply this to face and wait until it is completely dry.
Wash your face clean with a mild face wash.
Wipe your face and apply little moisturizer.
This mask works well to reduce the pores, erase wrinkles and to lighten your complexion.



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